7:00 PM, Sunday, 9/23/07: My Bubble Tea


Was good, forgot to ask for it without balls, D’oh!


but you love balls :wink:


douche - “wanna throw something else?”

zong - “what? like a bigger rock?”



I cannot fight for another month and a half due to legal issues, so i’m kind of glad it didn’t escalade to anything else.

funny nonetheless

tea was awesome, and i lucked out saturday getting tires and an inspection for $75 so it was kickass to bring the focus out. nice to see everyone there and LOL at the acura faggor

and their $4.00 a slice cheese cake. get the whole pie at wegmans for 10 bucks


I cannot fight for another month and a half due to legal issues, so i’m kind of glad it didn’t escalade to anything else.

funny nonetheless


trust me you wouldent have gotten a chance to fight.


Was good, forgot to ask for it without balls, D’oh!


You should have shot the balls at people first. Those things go a good 30 feet and we’ve become quite accurate with them.

story? what fight? details ladies… details

some d-bag came through the lot blasting a train horn
it was annoying
as he pulled out, zong tossed a “mint candy” at his ride
he got out and yelled
zong made hilarious comment
camera was busted out and began filming a whole lot of nothing
d-bag left

" wanna try one of my mints? " :lol: worst comeback line EVER

I was there Saturday, couldn’t make it Sunday :slight_smile:

any pics?


" wanna try one of my mints? " :lol: worst comeback line EVER


hahaha i forgot about that one

ps incase anyone was wondering, i was the guy with the flat black civic(i dont think anyone really knows me)

I did not toss a rock at his ride.

It was a little “mint” table decore that in no way would have done any damage to his paint/body.

Skunk tried to eat one earlier in the night and cussed for a while.


how about the asshat in the teg

i had my cam and forgot to take pics :picard:

I was hoping you guys weren’t shootin bubbles, and throwing mints at random people. That would probably piss me off too. But, I guess if I didnt blare a horn or act like an ass hat no drama would commence. :wink:

^^^ He was being ridiculous, not just a little annoying. I thought you were going to be there 1BADGPGT. I want to check out that ride.

never have had bubbletee, guess I should try it.

^^^ He was being ridiculous, not just a little annoying. I thought you were going to be there 1BADGPGT. I want to check out that ride.

Go figure…I had a minor mishap on Sat. night which caused a vac leak, and low boost. So, I called off Sunday. Besides man, Im right around the corner from you. :wink: Im usually home in the afternoons.


never have had bubbletee, guess I should try it.


no burnouts lol