7/9/06 WNYCarClubs.com 4th Annual Super Cruise

Just found the story on their website, sweet :slight_smile:


Thanks for telling me it was in there :slight_smile:

No problem :slight_smile:

Free publicity > *


ill be there with letitrip

Bump, It’s tomorrow!!!

BuMp leaving in a little bit

It’s like two minutes away from me, I think I’ll head up.

The show was awesome! Tons of cars, dyno, perfect weather, right on the water, etc…def a good time.

very cool:tup:

great show but the awards were deffintly rigggeeedd…

and the tuners were the highlight of my day…

No rigging on the awards. Why would you think that? We pride ourselves in not knowing who wins until we hand them out. It’s just the way that the participants vote for the cars. Tuners got a ton of awards and showed a ton of support. best of Show was even a tuner which was a huge suprise to a ton of people.

But no rigging in the show. I can personally guarantee that.

Glad you had a good time. It was an awesome site with all the cars there. That’s one of the highlights of me doing the show, is seeing all the rows of cars and people :slight_smile:

I’m done for another few months before I start our 5th show.

And a sidenote - You would think that a club of 30+ people put on a show like that. The truth, only 2 people, myself and my friend John do the whole show and our website. We have a lot of friends that chip in and help, but we bust our asses and pull it off.

BTW, 404 registered cars and about 200 other cars that didn’t regsiter and just hung out.

show was awesome lots of car lots of people good food entertainment and it had its own swarm of bees lol

i forgot about it and then i drove to work today and saw everything set up needless to say i was pissed

I had to work, but I’m happy it turned out well. :slight_smile:

I remember going two years ago. It was a fun time!

im not saying it rigged or anything but when a car in my class was stock, and had stone chips,cracked paint and nothing done to it not even polished or clean… and it beats my car (not saying my cars amazing or nothing) but at least my car has mods done to it and was clean and shiny and got attention …but was a good show

yeahh i heard from my friend who had his truck in this show and he said its all who you know for taking a trophy home…

post a pic of the car that got best of show

You can never have a show, without someone complaining about the judging. The judging was SOLELY on car show entrants ballots, period. There we NO judges walking around checking the cars out. The only fair way to do it, would be to have each class of car park in the same areas, which creates mass confusion. Then you need judges that can specialize in each specific area to judge the separate classes. You cant have a judge that lives for 60’s cars judging the tuners, etc…After its all said and done, people will still bitch about who beat them in the end, and it’s a big added expense to run the show that way. The most popular cars, with the most popular owners won the awards. Kudos to those guys who won, for showing up at all the cruises and events this year and mingling with everyone to help the car scene around here grow. They all deserved their first place awards.

We tried having the show as a judged show in our first year. It sucked, people complained of favortism, we busted our ass to meet the 4pm award deadline, etc. We didn’t enjoy it at all. The last 3 years we did participant judged. It’s all based on how the participants vote. The only other awards are sponsors choice which the sponsors that pay to help put on the show pick some of their favorites.

It’s not only a car show, we try to put on a show that people can enjoy themselves at with a ton of friends. I think we’ve done a good job of doing that based on feedback the past 3 years. It’s a ton of work for an 8 hour event. I’m already starting planning for next years show which is in 363 days.