7/12/09 RodandPiston.com 7th Annual Super Cruise



Just under a month away until the 7th Annual RodandPiston.com Super Cruise. Sunday July 12, 2009

One of the cheapest events that you can go to this summer. Only $5.00 !!!

We are taking preregistrations. Preregistrants will be entered to win a day of show prize package and are guaranteed an event dash plaque. You can also pre-order event shirts. Payment is via PayPal

You can also download and print the registration form and mail it in:

NO AWARDS. This low-dough event is meant to have a stress-free, no judging, no vote counting, good time. Come hang out along the water with hundred of your friends and relax for once without the pressures of awards.

CHARITY: Portion of the proceeds to benefit Buffalo City Mission.

Event Details:
Sunday July 12, 2009
9-5pm, Registration open only 9am - Noon

We are still accepting sponsors:
Event Sponsor Information (Adobe PDF)

We are also accepting vendors:

It is just about the best location you can have for a relaxed car show. See you there!

Next year looking to possibly move it back to Gratwick with some differnt things planned. But the standard car show gets boring. This is more of a come, hang out, help out a charity, etc…

I do love fishermans park though.

Last year dissapointed.I will be there. Are you having a raffle? I can donate cleaners,air gauges maybe a 12volt air compressor.

So I’m actually pretty retarded.
Is there actually a cruise involved here?
From where to where?

But I don’t see details on it, so I assume not.
But then again it’s called a Super Cruise… so this confuses me ;\

The weather fucked them last year. I think it poured early in the am and some guys get their panties all in a bunch if their cars that they drive once a month get wet. They don’t like to set up their lawn chairs on damp grass either.

Actually there isn’t a cruise, but it sounds better than RodandPiston.com Park and Hangout. It used to be a show, but we decided to get rid of the awards and make it just a relaxing time for everyone in the hobby to hang out. I honestly hate car shows, judging, and awards. It’s more fun to hang out with hundreds of friends and relax.

The weather screwed us last year. We have averaged 300-500 cars a year. It rained until noon and we still had 150+ cars.

We do sell raffles and have some auctions. I wasn’t going crazy with it, but it helps bring in more $$$$ for the charity. So I will take anything that you can get. :slight_smile:

ill be there more than likely 3 total, mach, 442, firebird.
ill spread the word.
ohh also Joe is this limited to classics?

Cool, thanks.

And nope, open to everything. Classics, late models, tuners, imports, trucks, and bikes.

2 weeks from today. Sunday July 12, 2009
Preregistration is still open.


Cost, a whopping $5 :slight_smile:

We also just got in a few last minute vendors for the event

One week from today :tup:

I’ll be there! Can’t wait for this one!

Bump for a great time… I have attended this show a few times but unfortunately I now take my vacation the same week as the show and can’t make the trip up that way :frowning: Hopefully the weather holds and yoy guys have a great showing and time.

If NYSpeed want to come up as a group, you can have your own section. Some of you ask about this for other events. This one, we can actually make it happen.

Coming up this Sunday.
Weather looks awesome.

Bump for tomorrow. Weather = perfect.

If NYSpeed comes up, then you can park as a group.

There are no awards. Just $5 to get in. First 200 get dash plaque. DJ, food and automotive vendors, 50/50, event shirts.

Bring your 10x10 tent, lawn chairs, and favorite beverages and relax.

Is that that guy’s stupid maserati lebaron on the flyer?

That thing sucks. He fucking LOVES it tho.

That’s what it is. Yep, Mike does love it.
We had a logo auction for the 2 cars on it. The GTO is from NJ and will be at the show. The Maserati is from Niagara Falls and that will be there too.

I wouldn’t have minded having an Elise on there :slight_smile:

Newman, you coming out to the show?

FWIW I would buy a shirt if it had 2 cool cars on it, but it only has one cool car on it. I made a suggestion on your site a long while back to possibly filter the entries for shirt candidates. Nobody is going to look at a Lebaron TC or whatever that thing is. It is a nice car but it doesn’t belong on a T-shirt promoting an event for classics and muscle cars.

Joe you said to bring our own beverages? How many food vendors do you have ?

We had the auction online for over 2 months. Anyone is able to bid on it. We try to at least cover the cost of the shirts with the auction and with the orders that the car owners of the cars on the shirt buy.

We’ll have some of the shirts from last years show iwth my 69 on it and a 79 for sale for $5 :slight_smile:

As for bringing beverages, go for it. But you better offer me a cold one :slight_smile:

Alice’s Kitchen will be there serving breakfast and lunch. We also have the fried dough / french fry vendor that is in the inner loop at Lancaster there too. Our ice cream vendor had a family emergency so they will most likely not be there :frowning: