7 days until all xbox 360 nerds will be unable to do anything

^ hahahah




bring your box over to my place and we’ll rock out legendary co-op on the 56" widescreen :tspry:

hahah ive been working my way through the campang since the match making servers arent working yet.


hahah ive been working my way through the campang since the match making servers arent working yet.


Wait, you actually tried going on live with a game that isn’t released yet? Just begging to get banned huh?

BTW, it was posted to bitsoup today for you bitsoup users.

MS will not ban for playing it becuase it leaked legally becuase of a distribution error. It is not a hacked version that was leaked by a employee of MS or Bungie.

There is no matchmaking. We will be setting up some LAN games later tonight tho.

i don’t care if it is a leak or not i am going to get the game straight up thanks!

I just ordered from newegg. $73 with overnight shipping.


I just ordered from newegg. $73 with overnight shipping.


let me know if you get a tracking number today…some people are saying they now won’t be shipping it till monday…


read the post that i up there robby and jrod! and rod what GT3?


Good one. I thought you’re dad had a GT3

http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?type=category&id=pcmcat131300050003 buy buy buy

hmm i might not even play this game

nhl 08> for me right now

Over all rating of the game is decent. If you like the story for halo, you will enjoy this one as there is already things you might not have seen coming in the first 30 seconds of the campaign.

We were doing some custom games last night and there is some cool weapons like the Gravity sword that took the role of the energy sword that has some limited power. The controls are a little to get used to, I kept throwing the picked up items such as the bubble shield when I was trying to reload because I was used to X but the shoulder buttons that allow you to reload individual guns quickly because more natural feeling.

Only other thing that we found last night when we were playing was that the guns seem a little more powerful so you lose out on the close quarter intense battles like in Halo 2. The shotguns have a longer range, similar to the ones in the Original Halo.

i cant wait to mount my helmet on my pug.

lol!!! i should get one for my sister-in-law’s pug just so i don’t have to look at the thing ugly face!


i cant wait to mount my helmet on my pug.





Good one. I thought you’re dad had a GT3


that was traded in on the CamenS and a MazdaSpeedRX-8 Grand-am ST car.

yeah that doesnt suck

newegg said it wouldn’t ship until monday, oh well. I’m cancelling it from them. I’ll pick it up monday night at the store.

yea it would make a good holloween costume, for a pug, now u need to get the rest of the MJOLNIR armor! lol!