8/4/07 honda-tech meet cruise

OFFICIAL TIME: 12:00 at SOUTHGATE, boat leaves at 12:30. Be there before 12:30 if you want to join us in cruising up to Rochester.

i think ill go

what what what http://www.the-manifest.org/blog/kyles_mom.jpg

anyone is welcome.


bikes welcome??

big b call me up im game

i think i’ll actually go to this. now, should i take the slow civic, or the slow cbr? where do we meet up to cruise to rochacha?

possibly southgate at 1

I might stop by SG and say hi, but im gettin married the 11 and I think she would kill me if I skipped town right now. lol

dont let that bitch control your life dude… just go

:word: where in the roch is this?

i heard last year sucked. but ive seen other years pics where theres a TON of cars…i kinda want to go

fixed :slight_smile:


wish i could go :gotme:

Why cant u

I want to go… but i hope its cooler then… another 92º day is going to be HORRIBLE sitting in a car with no a/c for a hour or two…

omg are you fucking kidding me. try doing that in a turbo car with the fucking heat on because your overheating from no flow to your radiator in a high gear on the highway.

your such a little bitch im driving up with you!!

why do you not have AC?