dude…danielle and i wanted to go…the roads were sooooo shitty though, but the drive from williamsville would not have been fun
roads were clear as hell out there and there were mulitple ppl from will/amherst that were there
ok, so Juan (98teg) gets home and immediately passes out on the floor. I took pics, but i don’t know how to post them. Then he proceeds to vomit up that disgusting red shit he was drinking all night. he had to sleep with a garbage can next to his side of the bed LOL. He wanted went as far to type a drunken post, which ended when he fell off of the computer chair. I think that means he had a good time.
I’ve been laughing my ass off allday because he is so sick HAHAHA(in a sinister voice)
oh eat my sack
:bsflag: we had somthing between us man…i felt the chemistry, or maby it was the vomit coming up, but either way…lol yeah everybody cleared outa there sooooo fast, like 10 min there were 5 ppl left. hope fuzzyfish got home ok, i know he had to just cross the street but hes 110 lbs, a swift wind will cary him down stream lol.
I dont know what that stuff was that he was drinking, but it was nassssty lol. I drank wayyyy too much last night. I was ok til the funnel got broken out then it was all down hill from there :crap:
Im done with the partying I hope youre happy brian even though i didnt puke :smash2:
lol im jokin around, i was piss drunk and had no idea what was going on…were you there? i dont remember seeing you. everything between 1030 and 2 is kinda sketchy, i just remember punchin Brian in the nuts and somebody got ina fight or somthin.
oh, and i didn’y mace her.
no way it was great, didint u see me chugging it from the bottle in the kitchen lol…prolly why i puked the first time, i downed like 1/3 the bottle right there lol.
i am happy mike and im also done partying for awhile too…
It was a streneous 10 foot walk man, but I stood-up took a few steps. Played frogger in the middle of broadway, jumped over some curbs. And baring any cross-winds it was quite uneventful. So no being plowed while being plowed. :tup:
Yeah that place cleared out fast. Hell I don’t even think cops could have cleared it out that quick. JEG was downing that gasoline like it was nothing. It was a wonder he managed to make it out fo the house.
did “onlylancasterforme” show…
skunk…no excuses
EVEN I came out! , lol
my parents are planning on moving, if/when they do and we get the house were looking at…oh yeah, im having a party.
haha good times guys - im glad you all had a good time - would have liked to see a few more females there, im quite disapointed
but none the less, i had a good time, was fucked up
shitty it ended early, at least nothing got that broken
thanks for comin out everyone … and mike “your the man” hahahahahaha
lol…yea yea yea…sorry guys
:lol: I got him pretty good too…I remember Santa getting laid in the bathroom…lol…puke…lol
drunk ass juan
^^^ :lol:
nice Juan…nice
Chandra…good job on the incriminating pics, lol
atleast he ended up like a lot of the others he gave his shots too :lol:
no you did not! :lol: