87FOXGT vs some poor GTP


So I decided to take a late night cruise in the Cobra tonight since I was still all partied out from TITS and didn’t feel like going out. :smiley:

So as I turn onto this 2 lane road and notice what looks like GTP headlights behind me. I think nothing of it because I normally wouldnt waste my time on a stock GTP. (it looked and sounded stock)

But this guy turns the same way after me and sort of does a fly by. :bloated:

Whatever. :eyebrow:

I pretty much ignore the dude and am just cruisin the speed limit enjoying the drive for about a mile down the road til we hit a light. :ohnoes:

Light goes green, he takes off again and i just sit there and watch for about 2 seconds. Then I take off nice and easy and continue my little cruz. :gotme:

So finally, I come up to a point where the speed limit is 45. There is hero, slowing down so I could catch up to him. :uhh:

So I could already tell he was about to take off again once i got next to him. OK, buddy. You want to play then I will gladly show you where you stand with your supercharged beast. :cjerk:

So he slows down right til I am next to him and of course boots it at about 45 mph. I give him about 2 seconds of peace and quiet and then SLAM 2nd and ROMP on the gas. :eekdance:

Top of 2nd came in the blink of an eye, and as soon as I hit third I was gone. 3rd was gone in a flash and i only stayed in it in 4th for a bit to get the point across. :angel:

The best part of the whole thing was that when I blew by him all I could hear bouncing off of his car was the KB screaming and then the borlas doin their thing as I pulled away. I am sure it must have given him quite the wake up call from his POV. :slight_smile:

Funny thing was, afterwards I tried to slow down to be a good sport and give him a :tup: But perhaps something was wrong because he kept slowing down and staying about 2-3 cars back the whole time :gotme: Then he turned off and that was that. I turned my music back up and continued on with my joyride. :smiley:

Cliffnotes :

So uh yeah, I beat a stock GTP, hurray! (hey he was askin for it, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do :wink: )

:rofl: good kill :tup:

:tup: good one indeed

Wow. What sort of person would try to pick a run with a Cobra, in a stock GTP?

HAHAHAHA silly grand prix drivers!

and you were at TITS!!!ONE!!! :rofl:

:tup: sounds … awesome


About as climactic as my race against a Malibu.:smiley:

Good kill.

haha, good one bro :tup:

Nice :tup:



Nice kill bud…they always feel better against punks that are asking for it!!!

I hate when people do that, just shows that they are indeed sore losers :gotme:

awesome :tup: some people just dont know what they get themselvs into… silly gtp :slight_smile:

i’m back

i just love the title on the thread

jeller your avatar = tits

i love everyone :tup:

Was it a dark green GTP?? If so, the kid did the same flyby thing to me a few days ago. I had to put him in his place.

silly GTP drivers, they really have no idea

nice kill

nice kill mag :tup:

lay off the E, man.

that kill was great. wish i coulda seen it though. you definitely have to mount some sort of camera outside your car with a monitor inbetween your lap. id like to see some of these kills instead of just feeling/hearing them.