Just wondering who all on here is rocking an 88-91 Civic.
Just wondering how many are around
Just wondering who all on here is rocking an 88-91 Civic.
Just wondering how many are around
a lot
frank (xfrankx) has 1… and its 4 sale
My sister drives an ef hatch if that counts…
i got one, flat black zc ef
in light of the last post it should read “how many people have a 4th gen hatch, that still has paint on it.” haha i can’t count on both hands how many are around that are flat black or primer gray
mines not
i have one, with original paint(lol), and it will be for sale soon. pm me if interested
i got one…90 civic sedan, dohc zc and turbo
mines starting to get some rust in the normal places but its still solid. its factory red with factory paint
pictures of sister?