what up everyone

whats going on, new to this site. have a friend who told me about it, hertzberg in the celica… anyways im 19, drive a 97 civic dx, nothing really done to it, intake, exhaust, some gold old 17’s from wheelsnext.com but uhh… other than that nothing. i plan on selling that car for a 5th gen hatch though, incase anyones interested, or has a hatch for sell. let me know. thanks!


hows it goin. a few people i work with live in mcdonald. mostly old heads though :boink

welcome :slight_smile: What color is your civic?



hey nice to see you joined mcginess… wheres acri?


the civic is silver… black wheels with the chrome lip, looks alright, hatch would be better though, ill get some pics of my car up soon… and wuts up… im guessing that you hertzberg.


