9/11/05 BAO meet....8ish

i’ll be there around 8…

cool i look forward to seeing everyone there =)

relaxin for an hour or so…see everyone there

Gross. There isn’t enough Nyquil in production that can make a person forget that they drive a Hyundai.

Leaving in a few minutes, see you all there!

good meet :tup:

yea was pretty good…met a lot of cool people like drugdealer janny and 3rdgen FD owner :tup:

nice looking mg…

I have a 76 TR-6

good throwback meet, lets have another next weekend =P

but with chairs and tables and stuff

It was nice to finally put a face to a username to most people. :wave:

I don’t know how many people are 21+, but a Vue(formerly ZuZon’s in Walker plaza) has a pretty cool patio, drinks:beer2: , and a biiiig parking lot. . … .and no, I’m not just suggesting this place for a meet cause it’s close to my house either.:slight_smile:

loved my taro bubble tea

i was there. saw some people.

i saw newman…i did a jig…good things

Okay… another interesting experience…

I am sorry if this comes off as sounding self centered or something, but do you always ignore new people? Am I supposed to bring my own friends? Or am I just supposed to butt into your conversations? It seemed like you all knew each other, so I didn’t want to interrupt anyone, but I did feel a little unwelcome since no one seemed to put any effort into including a new person. Like I said, I didn’t want to interrupt you all since it’s obvious you’ve known each other for a lot longer and have more things to talk about and more in common. I’m not going to fly a 737 into your car’s no matter what I look like, if that’s the issue…

I’m sorry if this comes off as a little moody and I really don’t want to cause waves or anything of the sort, I’m just trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do to be “included”. If you expect me to just butt in, then tell me so and I’ll try to do that, though I’m not good at just interrupting people and being like, “look at me!!!”

I hope I don’t sound like some psycho…

no ur supposed to butt into convos…ask montecarlo chick about her first few laps at BTC…it was great…just gotta walk up and say hi I AM yadda yadda yadda and jsut jump in anywhere

i was told to unedit my post, so it originally said the following:

you know, your post totally reminded me of this skit by chris rock, when he was talking about the tigers attacking sigfried and roy…:

"everyone actin like ‘oh its such a tragedy, its such a tragedy, the tiger gone crazy’ people thinkin that tiger was crazy …

the tiger didnt go crazy … the tiger just went tiger"

in this instance meryem, you just went tiger

you don’t want to be friends with any of us. :slight_smile:

heres a few hints.

stay away from honda boys :slight_smile:

skunk isn’t single or straight :slight_smile:

if a boy named “Tom” (husaria) tells you hes buying an STI (apparently its a 3-4 year process), just nod your head in agreement.

edited, cause im Adam’s bitch :slight_smile: :lickout:

i just met someone for the first time yesterday…jsut say hey…then start a convo.

almost everybody has been in the same spot u are…everybody was new at some point. Just be open, say hi…we all have the same interest, so finding a topic of conversation shouldn’t be too hard :slight_smile:

yeah bring up my tattoo…everyone will love you :slight_smile:

P.S. - people with yellow cars are usually the best/nicest


ROFL!!! thats awesome!! hey next time you see me make sure you say hi . I’m the tall goofey kid.