9/18/05 BAO ..7ish *again*

Sup all :beer:

Anyways last weeks meet at Bao turned out really well, so we figured we might as well have it again this week… and from then on while the weather lasts.

I hope to see a lot of the same faces as last week, and hopefully the newcomers will show up again~ ( i.e. jan didnt scare them away )

So once the football games are over, and you don’t feel like driving out to Taffys, come meet up with us for a chill old throwback meet at Bao, where Gaurino won’t come out and ninja kick our asses out of the lot :tup:

I hate your avatar. It makes my head hurt.

cartoon characters + sexual positions is where its at sukka

i’ll be at teh bao again :tup:

wish i could join…have fun

I’m in!

I’m down.:eekdance:

I only have work until 4:45 but does anybody like me…ahwahrwhera


yes. see everyone there!

hopefully will be there

gay…went to pick up my car cause the fag said it was ready…so hel eft the keys in the ashtray so i can pick 'er up…DOESNT EVEN F-ING GO IN GEAR
unbelieveable…he really F-ed my car up…called him said parts will come in tuesday cause he has to put a master cylinder for the clutch or some bullshit on…
maybe next week

ill prob show up in the scoob

eh I might swing by…depends on whats going on…the scoob is actually clean for once :slight_smile:

I’ll try to come by :slight_smile:

Teh rooby I must go now!