Thursday, September 14 It’s now 11 AM and the radar is showing rain coming from Erie heading this direction and with the ground being extremely wet, today’s make-up Test N Tune has been cancelled.
Anyone surprised? Sucks that there are not too many Wednesday night TNT’s left, since I can’t make it on Saturdays.
Peweter (or anyone else near the track), is it raining out there?
the problem is not the track, do you forget there is grass and dirt there also. dumbasses are gonna drive off the pavement into the grass, which will have dirt which will be wet which will stick to the tires which will then be tracked onto the track etc.
Euro, good point. Lots of people pull into the grassy area by the staging lanes between rounds. In addition to dirt, lots of stones will be sticking to tires as well.
Enough shit already gets chucked from tires during burnouts, no more is needed!
Can someone post up the rest of the this years TestNTune schedule for me. My computer is gay and their website will not load for me to check it. I want to make it up atleast once this year.