9/17 casino

saturday the 17th…i turn 19…cruise to canada to a casino…i havent decided which one yet…fallsview prob…ill think of a birthday invite wishlist teehee until then let me know if u are interested

you on oct 29th which is a saturday are comming to my bday party in canada…no excuses…

its gonna be fucking crazy

dude…in a month…post up a thread…can we worry about me right now? can we get a mod to ban jeff???

*edit: im just kiddin…as long as u go next week…or else ull prob be banned…from ubrf…

lol…crazy youngins…

haha, yeah canada has lost its glory of the last year

youll enjoy it for like 6 months then youll be like fuck it im going downtown

i go downtown buddy :wink: im not a baby…there aren’t casinos downtown

so instead of fixing you car and making it better…you’d rather go make donations to canada?..smart…

and dont tell me how good of a gambler you are, because as much as i know i can rock the blackjack tables, it all depends on the players around me…and i’d rather play it safe with my money…

weren’t you just complaining a bit ago before finding out what the problem with your car was, that you would have to sell if because you doubted you would be able to afford to fix it?

edit: and oh yeah…downtown buffalo >>> canada…

because its not watered down here, its closer, its usually cheaper (especially when you know a good handful of bartenders) and it’s easier to bring a girl home with you when she doesnt live 30+ minutes away in canada…


this is coming from the guy who was about to buy into a scam for 7500

a guy who said that the swap was going to go smoothly with no problems

It’s his birthday, let the kid do what he wants to do.

I’d love it for him to go there and win like 10000 bucks and wave it in your face.

Plus, it’s getting fixed if you havent read… for free. Because the shop fucked up.

^^yes…and i have NEVER once said i would sell the Z ( i made about a grand after taxes per week all summer…and last xmas break)…its gonna be better with the unorthodox pulley anyways and like sleepy said installed fo free…i wouldnt buy a project Z and then halfway through it sell it and whine that im a quitter…i just dont dump all of my $$ into my car because…i dont want to…and i buy a lot of other stupid crap


Happy Birthday holmes

i love how threads to go to a casino turn into talk about vehicles?! KCuv is 19… finally!! I’m down fo sure… we might have to get a couple hotel rooms though; I don’t know what kind of condition we’ll be in to drive home lol…

where did the hate between the Z owners start?

by the way happy b-day man

:tup: to birfdays in september. Mines the 18, i turn a 1/4 century

^^^:tup: all the more reason to go