Well im turning 19 so i can finally go have some fun in Canada lol. My birthday is on Feb 1st so probly fri or sat me and some friends are gunna go to canada. If anybody wants to go let me know. Or if i will see ay there.

Ill be 19 feb 24th, wait for me :slight_smile:

well your pretty excited arent you?

i personally hate canada in the winter… too cold to enjoy myself.

but have fun… get arrested…and get laid.

then post pics.

I’m fucking OLD

depressing aint it?

a few weeks ago I was thinking about all the good times in highschool… then I realized that it’s been close to 9 years

:frowning: :tdown:



although little has changed in my life. i’m not anywhere close to married, i still do whatever i want with little repercussion… i just have more toys now.


I turn 21 in 6 days.


^^^ Yea.

Pm me on ur b-day we will go up tehre.

go to sundowners get a bj and a salad tossing, get drunk out of your mind, and barf all over puke in the strip club, call it a night. regret the night before. hate life cause its an awful hangover, start drinking again cause you young chaps can for some reason take on the world the night after a horrible horrible night. go back up to sundowners rinse and repeat.