
i listen as much as i could today and it was horrible! anyone else listen in?


yeah idk what happened to it but it sux ass now



the radio sucks period, get an ipod. you’ll never get bored

some it’s not all that bad. then again i only listened for about 14 min while driving to work.

i usually listen to dve or cd’s but the x and k-rock are also on my preset so i tune in once in awhile. im not a big sports fan so dve gets boring to me in the morning. im gonna have to get sirius for howard.

i actually like there morning show…and i’m not a BIG sports fan…

and howard sucks

howard stern is a fucking homo

k-rock moves to talk radio format starting 2-April-2007

them’s fightin’ werds

Esp. the morning show!!

ever since they canceled the BEAT…what was it…104.7??..i was done with pgh radio

anyway i boycotted pgh radio… & i’ve been shitty radio free for 6 1/2 yrs

i occsionally tune in 92.1 or 88.3 (Pitt & CMU radio) but they have random shows, so its hit or miss.


XM > *

But DVE really is the only station left in Pittsburgh that isn’t complete and utter garbage.

yeah i agree on WDVE they rock haha

93.7 isn’t that bad. John McIntyre is occasionally funny… and Dennis Miller is one of the only conservatives I can listen to, along with Glenn Beck and Michael Savage