94 Miata Partout.

Parting off my miata’s drivetrain.
Everything has 93xxx miles on it.
Most of it is/was in good working condition.
Everything related to drivetrain is being parted off if you don’t see it mentioned, PM me.

Engine (long block) - 300
Transmission - 50 (2nd gear snychro is out, might be slave)
1.8 Rear end (open dif) with axles/driveshaft - 200
Alternator - 40
AC compressor - 40
Coilpack - Sold
Fans - 40
Stock catback exhaust - 40
Cat (in good shape) - Offers
Jackson Racing Header - Offers? People in cali love these because they have a CARB sticker
MAF - 50
Starter - 40

Make offers, This stuff won’t do me any good sitting around
List is just tossed together off the top of my head
More to come.

What sort of shape is the header in, cosmetically?

Pretty. :smiley:
I’ll take a pic or two tonight. I’m not the first owner but it is in decent condition.
I think it is the only part I have coming off worthy of a photo.


kinda want the rear end but not sure how much modding would have to happen to make it fit in my car…

Do some research, I intend on selling things cheap.

thats what im doing now.


What exhaust did you have bolted to it? Just curious, since I’ve really only been under the car once, since these things are so dead-nuts reliable. I figure when it gets put away for winter, we’ll mess with it a bit.

was bolted up to the stock exhaust.
Header came with the supercharger I had.
Only exhaust I’ve liked so far was the borla


Sorry…thought you were going to do a pic or two.

I suppose, depending on price, I’d buy it sight unseen. The header that is.

engine a 1.8?

94 started the 1.8 motor…

Will 2 bills buy it? If so, consider it sold

It’s all you!

Cool. Where are you living now? Anywhere near my shop?

wow i should of made a offer on that engine $300 is a steal! would that come with the ecu and wiring harness?

so is this engine gone?

as soon as i figure out how to pick it up yes itll be gone. if youve got the cash and a way to get it though, its all yours.