A Car So Fast It Will Turn You Into A Girl

hahahaha its so funny idk what to say

Ahaaaha, love it

Not bad. Not bad.




I once took a girl out with me when I did an autocross run (come on, autocross is NOT THAT SCARY) and she kept screaming the whole time. I kept yelling at her to shut up, but she only stopped once we were finished. Now whenever I take anyone for a ride, be it track or autocross, I tell them my one rule is you are not allowed to scream… so annoying.

I wonder if it was a fake video or not. One way or another I didn’t enjoy it.

ehhh, it was ok.


i thought it was funny.

That happens to me all the time, but I think that it’s because people are genuinely concerned for their life when I am driving.

It’s true. I scream for my life when you are driving… and I’m just working the course!


lol thats great

kinda funny.

i bet the guy wishes he didn’t do that

Who the hell is he? Must be somebody if he’s being video taped and on a TV show.