A couple of gay bikes *ZX-10R and a 848

wow i really need to buy some power ct

anyone riding today?

me =)

i rode to work :wink:

Ugh I want a bike so bad but I’m so afraid LOL.

buy my 636 :slight_smile:

who’s the other rider besides will

The guy on the 848 is Jon (JBGTI)

Gimme a price and teach me to ride, maybe I’ll consider :slight_smile:

fantastic fellas :tup:

when are you gonna be out riding? tommorrow is supposed to be beautiful…

as soon as i get my bike back with my powdercoated wheels :wink:

cmon hurry up already!!

2 things…

I CANT WAIT TO TP Geoffs bike…

anddddd… I miss looking forward to summer, its way better than dreading winter.

hey be carful will wend down last weekend turning like that

one of you guys should let me borrow your bike. my knee pucks are collecting dust

pshhh u just couldnt get enough of riding the gs…haha

I hate riding without leathers but I didn’t want to walk out in a one piece suit like a jackass lol

haha true, i never rode that hard on it, so i was just wearing my leather jacket. when i upgrade to a bigger bike in the spring, ill be getting full leathers.

maybe i should get a jacket atleast… lol. anyone break up with thier GF and want to sell her jacket.

lol… i break up with g/fs all the time… but when they come back ITD just be one more thing theyd be pissed at me for selling…

check newenough.com or find a jacket you like and use google shopping to find it…

what are your dimensions?