A day in toronto (pics)

I had to go up to document a site as Im doing a building there, so after we finished that, we wandered around for a while. My pics kinda suck, as this is my first time using my new DSLR, so I still kinda suck at it. But…

These dudes were pretty rad, chatted with them for a while. The one dude was pretty good on the axe…

Me and some random ppl on the street…

Ontario College of Art and Desgn building

To show how tall it is…

This dude was straight nuts. He was feeding birds, and when they got close enough, he would catch them then proceed to rant and rave that unless someone gave him money he would kill the bird. It was pretty weak actually. So I took his pic, and he demanded I give him money for the picture, so I gave him the finger and walked away. Then the guys with the nets came…

This building was pretty interesting. It butted up against an older building next to it, creating an atrium with a bamboo forest. It was pretty siq…


goodtimes i <3 toronto.

what kinda cam you use?

i miss toronto.

D50 w/ telephoto

and be in toronto pretty much every weekend this semseter…

i was there a week ago, it was great

did that guy get any money for not killing the birds?I might have a new job

thats hottness. more pics of that? us archies lol

i kid u not same guys last year had a sign beep if u love head give change if u really love it