A DRINK photo series

did a short series, originally i was going to take several pics, one without the table and make it as if i was floating with pshop, but it didnt work out as planned so i ended up with simple shots like this and the rest @ www.micahweber.com/emotion

i had a remote for the pix and just hit the remote shutter then used a 2 sec delay on the cam.

sepia tone filters, warming filters, color desaturation, and some diffusion in the Post processing


you really could have picked a better bottle of whiskey


You and your self pictures. Such a cute GSE.

There has to be more than one picture for it to be a series :stuck_out_tongue:

I did see the others via the link

one with you on the table :tup: and the crown on the ground …last 2 pic…hot

I love Taylor…

Crowns muh fave…

You must be one of dem gristle JD guys?

anything single malt, 12 years or older thx

for whiskey, straight segrams 7 and 7 up all day long son

Ugh I hate crown and Jameson :frowning:

JD I can drink, although I don’t drink whiskey… or at all anymore lol

lol aight aight fo sho

I drink whatever dreamy ass micah is drinking. sigh

looks good.


he is very handsome.

i would have picked kessler, but that’s just me.

but he launches @ 2300 GMT.

that picture would be 10x’s cooler if it was in an office setting…and you could barely see the knees of the secretary under the desk.

just saying.

did you get fucking hoosed or what?

no drunk post?


i did this later in the nite in my backyard:

hahahah, love it.

I like the one where you are crouched at the edge of the table, as if your going to jump off and attempt suicide. The glow coming off your body is a little heavy though.

I also noticed that your end of the table is up higher than the bottle’s end, making it appear as if you are lighter and floating.
