The Gas Mask Project Series Photos

this started for a magazine based in England, i sent over all the work to be submitted for print, haven’t heard anything back yet so i am going to post these up and add them to my site. the original premise was ‘future’ and i depicted it in a time where wearing gas masks were recommended. thx to some NYSpeeders for appearing in some shots.

This shot is my little brother on top of a garage, i had my other bro spray water straight up so it would fall straight down, i took the shot from the top of a ladder facing up the slant of the roof, this was the first shot in the series, basically a promo shot for the rest i suppose:

These next to depict a normal civilian waiting for a bus, shot on Delaware Ave in Tonawanda, in front of the Valu plaza, there were a ton of cars honking their horns it was crazy but great.

this one is very candid in the sense with the car passing in mid shot, some grittiness to this shot that i like.

These next few show street bike riders cruising and some being candid.

the first shot has the idea of just passing by, i wanted the far bike to be in focus and a slight turn of his head towards the camera, turned out the way i wanted it too

the next shot was ok for me, more to have for fun but the final image is cool and will be included in the series as well. its not very candid, but an interesting shot nonetheless.

this shot is great, shows some firefighters in the far background in front of City Hall in Buffalo, and these guys are chilling at a stop sign, candid.

this shot here shows a girl walking away from the guy on the bike, the story could be anything really, possibly an attempt and talking to the girl and her walking away, or the biker simply admiring a passer by, many ways to interpret, which is a great thing to have with art anyways-

now these 2 might be of where someone is brought into a hospital, with a mask on. the first one here shows a patient first getting into their bed with the mask still on.

…and with a nurse taking the patient’s mask off

this last one is basically just an extra shot, it was taken with the mask laying on a basketball court behind the aquatic center in the town of tona.
looks very cool in print.

i think i would like to continue adding to this series, but it has been this collection of shots for quite a while, so it is these for now. i hope to present these in physical form at a future exhibit.

thanks for reading and looking.

art is freedom. holler.

Holly shit man. amazing pics, and that is an understatement.

Great stuff as always.

Nice micah

As always… amazing shots…

Yeah i am digging the one with the car passing by

holy crap, that is amazing.


awesome. so good.

yea at one point i was 50/50 on it but the more i looked at it the more i liked it, im glad i kept it in

i really like that last pic.

I think the only complaint with it is the flier taped up. It is a little distracting, and doesn’t fit with the rest of the pic.

sean ur just mad cuz u didnt get that sssssssssmokin deal on a couch

hahaha truth.jpg into an f7.jpg

the second one is so hot. LOVE the composition. the backdrop totally ruins it though, I don’t think I’d hang a suburban minimall on my wall

artsey fartsey :tup:

i love the pic of the girl walking away from the guy on the bike!

i’d like the one of the woman but i see it as photoshopped on and it kinda kills it.

the picture with the two bikes riding by and one looking at the cam in focus is fucking awesome though.

bus stop i will pay money for, love it.

I think it adds alot, makes the picture seem more realitic and everyday but the mask just throws you off.

Great job Micah, I love em!!