The Gas Mask Project Series Photos

God those bikers are SEXY!

Ive had that last one as my background for some time now. I <3 my thai fighter

Holy fuck awesome… I like the old school masks… where did you pick those up from

edit: Makes a statement, Very impressive

you can get them at Worth Smith Extreme Hardwware here in Olean, if you want one I think they were like 20 bucks

lol @ wheelie with a gask mask on. if that was tyler, ohhhhh man.

nice shots as always, a cool shot would have been in a subway/bus with a group of people wearing them.

I’m more impressed with the guy in the back with the mask on. Thats a level of detail I don’t think many would have gone to. :tup: to that too. That makes a statement more than any other picture… Daily life is with a gas mask on, even working for UPS



its a fireman, not the ups silly.

Got my own :slight_smile:

way to HIJACK!

LOL there is no way I could hi jack a thread like this. besides the older gas maskes are way fucking cooler

ILC - mine are russian civil masks with NBC filters and a mask cloth bag as well in army green, i bought 7 of em on ebaY

its ok…the pic just looks like ur going scuba diving with a DOPEY mask.

Sweet! You should test them and see if they are mustard gas proof. Choking Agents FTW!

Not trying to shit up your thread… but at a 1/160 shutter and looks like a 400 - 800 ISO what time did you shoot this at ?

well done micah

at DUSK a few months ago, i had to use my headlights drivin home afterwards, took it to the WIRE

haha kind of have to with those spots. traffic can be a whore there

These look amazing :tup: :tup:

if you still feel like playing with the gas mask thing, use some crazy lighting from both sides and the bottom pointing up. Lets you edit with some crazy effects. (kinda how this guy did his):

My two favorite

Youre on to a great thing here… keep up the great work.