The Gas Mask Project Series Photos

i love this :tup: im stilling talking about the shoots for me … we will still talk

I would be interested in the reaction pics of random people who see this photo shoot going down…


There weren’t very many people walking around at all. After about 5pm that area DIES.

I want to participate as a subject in the next gas mask shoot!

i like the pictures.

that said, there are some way cooler gas-masks!

If they were black it would have been sweet. You should have seen what it was like putting those fuckers on.

A simple concept, so wonderfully executed. Very cool indeed.

definitely want to add more to it, would love to use all the masks i have at once in a shot

I still say crazy lighing(and shadows) are in order :slight_smile:

yea let me buy some strobes and some speedlights and a fisheye FIRST o good GAWD

pshh… you just need some lamps and a good angle :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

ya i know, i guess it wouldn’t flow with the series if so, everything is all natural lighting, warm one, etc etc

but a good idea nonetheless, possibilities are endless

wow micah those look amazing, again another :tup::tup:

i cant stop looking at them :tup:

ok fine we will use a mask in ur photoshoot teheee

could we get one around the belly also :tup:

If you wanted a brand new state of the art aviatiors mask, let me know. I can get it, but would have to go where it does, army thing.

i wanna take pix of army camps/forts etc

I really like the first and the last ones the best, but they are all amazing.