The Gas Mask Project Series Photos


I really like these shots. :tup:

I remember it being sooo cold that night lol

let me REITERATE the fact that PAULO and WILLYBEEN were my stunt ridaZZZ

lol <3…

Just so you know in most places thats prohibited. I’ve arrested people for taking pictures around base.

i meant to say LEGALLY, like civilian contracting, not like, from the outside papparazzi u silly goose

Just base commanders permission, or on a base that really doesn’t care much

awesome pics man

badass man :tup:

the pictures and ideas are awesome man… i wish i had your camera and editing skillz ha

Most Army bases are far from that secure. To get on most Army and Airforce installations, all you need is to show that you vehicle is registered, insured, and you have a valid license. They record the information, and your free to do as you wish. Take some samples with you, and kindly ask people you see doing things your interested in taking pictures of, if you can. Show them that your legit with your other work. 99 percent of the time they will allow it. I have done many PR events, to include commercials for the military. Every base or installation isn’t area 51. Its still taxpayer property.

saweet thx for the info man

surprised no one was interested in this series, on that level

just hold onto them, might be before their time

very nice man let me know if you need anyone next time

sent them to GQ last friday…

the pix are awesome, love the concept, my fav is the girl walking away it kinda leaves you to wonder what is going on…

I have the exact same gas mask me and a buddy bought them for like 10 bucks a piece at the Fair a few years ago…we wore them around randomly while driving to freak people out…and the one time we walked down a few blocks in ea with them on and walked in up the side and in front of a bank as a woman was walking out the employee entrance she ran back in frantically when she saw us haha i think she thought we were gonna rob the place we left before police or anyone showed up tho

2000 & late




i just happen to find that one and edited it today