a few pics from college

How many times are you going to post these pics

who cares. theyre hot. id do them both

Looks like you’re enjoying college, lol.

Nick, when you comin out again, the house is done!

:lol haha ok man.

I got more, I just look really drunk.

You look like a 30+ yr old guy :rofl

Nice Mark :thumb

lol I really look that old!? :crackup

discuss?.. discuss what?

how hes in colledge and still cant get pussy…lol



Friend zone is like the iron curtain, nearly impossible to get through. :motherland

Took me a few years… :crackup Patience is key!!

Hopefully alot, don"t be a hater.

Besides, he paid good money for them to pose like that~


Def cuties, hot…eehhh idk about HOT…definitely cute as hell.

hot girls are no fun, its the cute “im a virgin” girls that are the best… or seriously those nerdy chicks who everyone makes fun of, but take the clothes and their fucking hot, and their usualy innocent for the first 5-10 mins before there all like wow I <3 sechs and im gonna ride your cock till it falls off

I’ll only give my “props” if you post pics of them making out and/or in boyshorts

Agreed. Pics or ban.


Show the girls a picture of my car.

Tell them they can have a ride in it.

Just leave out the part that you wont be driving it.

It’ll work. Thats why I now have 7 sexual transmitted diseases, 2 cigar burns, rug burn, scratch marks on my back,a scar from a bull whip, handcuff marks, wax burns, skin stained from chocalate body paint, 7 kids, three ex wives, for warrants for my arrest in 2 states and one bounty hunter

AHAHAH :rofl


Maybe sometime next month when i can take a weekend off work