The GF took some pics

First of all if youre gonna lump me in a firebird/camaro owners category let it be the Billy Madison group and not the mullet, trailer park, Burt Reynolds worshiping group. Not that Im the son of a millionare but I by no means have ever resided in a mobile home community of any sort. That being said how many of you saw the white 3rd Gen Camaro with the Iron Maiden decal on the windshield at LG this past weekend LMFAO!

Me and the lovely young lady took a ride after work last night. After discussing how she had never done an EMS call in the Port of Albany I decided to take a quick drive thru. She took out her camers and shot a few pics that caught her artistic eye and then we found this little spot.

these are really nice pics dude

Needs to be lowered now Joe

the gf is pretty good at this!

For some reason when I read this … I saw"really these pics are nude" I think I might need to get laid

Ugh… Tell me about it. I needed to get pics with the new increased rolling mass

Nude pics coming soon… no worries.

:wtf :crazy

Is She going to sign up too? :lol

hey i saw what i saw, :retardclap

Still recruiting Vlad? You’re worse than the Armed Forces. Soon you will be promising college educations and showing flashy commercials of people rock climbing and jets flying around.

LoL this one is soo true… a BUNCH of friends joined the National Guard because of the 20k sign up for being a reserve, they were told they wouldn’t be going to Iraq to some and to some they told they aren’t going to go to Afghanistan, BUT they are and now going to be shipped out in 6 months anyway.

just so u dont forget or say no later:thumbup

okay I am going to sit here and wait for the nude pics


Good to have ya back. I’m glad to see you still have the car and I’m liking the direction you’re going with it. I’m a big fan of the wheels on it. :thumb

Pictures could use a little more edit in the white balance, all came out a little dark.

Is this by Everett Rd rail road?

I agree, but it doesn’t need very much, just a little work with the brightness and contrast and you’re golden :thumbup

Completely forgot, WHAT THE HELL is up with the one door open? :rofl

What’s next just one window down?

Lights are acceptable, but make sure the interior lights stay off.

i like the rims looks good on your 4 wheeler

oh shit didnt even notice the plaza in the background lol. nice location, pics and car joseph!

no nudiez PLZ!!! i dont need to see more of my cousin than i need 2
