a few pics from indy

Howard hanna if you are in real estate (I used to work there when I was 19 and my Step mother currently is an agent there.)

As for towns on the east side of the Burgh you have, Penn hills, Monroeville, Certian parts of wilkins township, Churchill those are all with in very close proximity of the parkway for access. Hell I make two turns and I;m on the aprkway for work.

Word of advice do not get a job or move into the city limits. I do not live in the city but I work in the city and its getting bad with taxes and such. Stay in the suburbs.

Now my above locations are only my recomendations due to living in most of the towns over the years and haveing a very good idea obout the areas I;m sure others can give imput on the other areas of town.

Select settings…

once in the setting look to the left and there is a list of links. look for “Edit option”. Once in that menu scroll down to Date and Time and pic your correct time zone.

If you are trying to match it for eastern standard where the burgh is you need -5:00 Currently its 01:23am


usually the closer to the city the worse it is…like penn hills starts right after lincoln lemmington

eric you have to be realistic yes close to the city in that area its not the greatest. But Pehh hills is huge like I’m about to show you in a min :slight_smile:


The file size of the map is too big (at 130kb) :dunno:

but the area which is bad eric isn’t as bad as you think.

yeah i posted about my ex before i went to indy where i got to meet christine finally. she wiped my ex from my memory with just a look. i’ll find a way to get you here babe. God Bless Oldspower.com for a match made in Cutlass Heaven!!!

i am not starting a argument i was just using it as a example…the reason why i am using penn hills is cause my son ususes his grandmother addy and its closer to the city the part she lives…

thats why my son goes to private school …not starting drama

I know I just didn;t want olds angel to get the wrong Idea since she is looking for ideas. IE disregarding a whole town on a small section of twon wher ethe twon is spread out pretty damn good. :slight_smile:

well it works for most decently sized cities…but hell pittsburgh is the greatest…nouf said

i don’t get it :dunno:

i lived in multiple cities and pittsburgh is the greatest bye far…

and most decently sized cities the areas closer to the city arent as nice as the ones a bit farther back

i noticed most cities are larger in area than pittsburgh, like monroville in charlotte NC would still be considered part of the city, same with indianapolis.

thats cause we are considered a big small city

I gotcha, yeah I think where Penn Hills has its advantage is it stretches form the city limits to one town over (plum) from westmoreland county so it has a far reach and gives it its diversity.

Plum is an option but when you have residents with signs in their front yards telling others not to move there because of the huge tax increases you have to wonder. I know for a house simalar to mine would have 1.5 times the property taxes than I do because their council is fucking things up …

if you bitch about taxes do not move to Shaler

Freeport is a nice place to live, but there’s nothing to do out here…just a lot of trees and stuff

Better ask the king of the house first…the dog

taxes are high, but it seems that assessments run low. :dunno:

and shaler school district might be dumping millvale… :x:

my dog loves females he just hates me. :smiley:

i moved to MARS area Butler county > alleghany