Hurst Olds Nats...4 cars stolen

:reloading fucking bull shit… luckily i decided not to go.

2 83’s 1 84 and 1 79…all t-top cars. i know the older gentleman that had his 79 stolen, real shame… good people. oh by the way…the four “people” they were so scared to mention were what everyone thinks they were…i think u can figure it out.

I saw this on the 11o’clock news last night. Thats what people dont know when they come out here for events the area around the track which is Speedway, In is the ghetto its just as bad as Homewood or the Hill District. But thats a shame those cars are probably in a million pieces by now.

Are you insinuating that they were black?

nah, musta been hillbillies, even black ppl are smarter than that to steal a olds

Did the folks be dumb enough, Post were they are staying at online ?

they had them on tape… and yes they were. no surprize twist on this story

it was a known national event with a host hotel.

earlier in the day a red 79 cutlass on 22’s rolled through… probably scouted that shit out.

when i went back in 04 at indy i stayed up with my car all night… i got a sinking feeling as i was driving in that area…having had it happen to me here in pittsburgh i knew a lil better.

FOund the 79 Hurst…partially stripped.

that blows… When Starboy and I used to go to big import events they used to have security at the parking lot 24x7. Lots of time we saw rows of cars chained together to prevent theft too.

OCA had extra security for the nats up at 7 springs besides the resort security. I dont know if it got over looked by the H/OCA… see the even was to be held at the brickyard crossing inn which is connected to the track… its always been there when they go to indy. it was ur traditional motel set up and people would sit out by there rooms into the wee hours and drink and bs… well the brickyard made a snap decision to tear down the motel and the H/OCA had to scramble to find a new host… it was a chain hotel and not the type where u sit outside and can see the parking lot so i think everyone was back in teh rooms when normally people would be out. i’m thinkin the scramble to find a hotel is what caused the security oversight.

I’m surprised people weren’t still out at their cars all night though. My wife and I went to a Honda Element meet in Ohio and people were out at the cars pretty much all night just tailgating and BSing.

like i said normally the people there do stay out all night… perfect storm circumstances for the theives.

I can’t even imagine how fucking stupid that must have been.


:finger: Figured I’d hear that, haha. We were definitely out of place, but it was a fun weekend for us to spend together. We got to see the Honda Plant, the testing facility, meet the engineers, and go to the test track. We didn’t really hang out with the other people too much since they could have been our parents.