Thursday night 9/11... big one

just tryin to get something goin on down the strip for thursday night… its startin to get cold out already so id like to see another huge turn out as some of the past times before it gets colder… so if anybody is down, im thinking 9 oclock at the strip, bring hoodies lol. tell friends and who ever, try n get as many people as we can ya know

levi, brandon? you guys wanna go? im down haha

I’ll be downtown for class anyways, I get out @ 9pm so I’ll stop by.
Say Hi, my name is Ben and the car is filthy…

So I might see two people, really?

theres a chain txt goin around… so a bunch of people know about it and from the way the txts r goin it seems like it’ll be a good turn out, so who ever reads this could just spread the word as well it should be nice

ill be there.

ohyeah and i got that chain text 3 times haha

Good thing yinz posted the chain text.

i didnt get the text

me either, must not have made it to anyone i know

That means all the sensible people won’t be at the strip.

sure sounds like it, everytime i hear about a meet down there its either riddled with aids or cops.

ill be down with frank the tank

I drive past every now and again… never stop, nobody I know is ever down there, must be a sign.


haha, two j-bodies raced slow as can be right down the center of the strip…right in front of the undercover!!!
Idk what happened to the kids, but they got surrounded by cops.

There was a big turnout.

I got the text it was authentic like need for speed underground 2


i probably know the kids…

also who has a turbo talon that raced me

Wow … two slow ass cars got caught drag racing … and to think that your friends with them … :rofl:


RagingSun, don’t post locations please.