Hello everyone! Nice to join the site. My guy CUTTY introduced me to the site, I am from Missouri so I have yet to experience the Pittsburgh racing scene, but I plan on it in Spring when I come to the 'burgh and see my him. I Cant wait to warm the passenger seat of his '83 hurst or his '85 Monte…windows down, stereo cranking, and T-Tops off!!! Cruising Pittsburgh the whole time!!!
I have been told I am the girl next door and the one your parents warned you about all wrapped into one. One guy described me as “down to earth, yet above the rest.”…I like to have fun, I love oldsmobiles and anything to do with them! I am a member of Olds Club of america and my local chapter Archway olds club…I love going to car shows and anything to do with my car club. I cannot wait to come to Pa and drive CUTTY’s cars! I think I won’t have to beg too much, all I have to do is give him those puppy dogg eyes…they usually do me good! Well heres a pic of me, tell me what ya think! xoxoxoxooxoxoxoxo-me.
heres another of me. This ones my favorite!
Where are the pics of your cars???
here the 1st one in black and white.
heres one of me and my car…
pic with a penny?
How can I be sure it is you in the pic?
hey sexy, glad you made it over here. i hope after u visit u’ll wanna stay. by the way guys…she’s all mine :love: :sex:
welcome:beer: :idhitit: but i :love: my wife!!
where did u meet cutty?
on a 900 # i bet!!
Originally posted by Cutty
hey sexy, glad you made it over here. i hope after u visit u’ll wanna stay. by the way guys…she’s all mine :love: :sex:
Originally posted by 2kaltima
pic with a penny?
How can I be sure it is you in the pic?
no penny but here’s the color copy with the date
why in the world would you say I met him on a 900#? No I didn’t meet him on a 900#! I met him at nationals! If you are saying thats not me in the pic 2kaltima, your wrong…I am 100% the girl in the pic…I have more too, that don’t look so professional, CUTTY can vouch for me being real.
thanks CUTTY…what are you talking about with a penny?
Originally posted by olds_angel79
why in the world would you say I met him on a 900#? No I didn’t meet him on a 900#! I met him at nationals! If you are saying thats not me in the pic 2kaltima, your wrong…I am 100% the girl in the pic…I have more too, that don’t look so professional, CUTTY can vouch for me being real.![]()
look at his phone bill 97% r to 900#,
:phonesex: :cybersex:
Originally posted by olds_angel79
why in the world would you say I met him on a 900#? No I didn’t meet him on a 900#! I met him at nationals! If you are saying thats not me in the pic 2kaltima, your wrong…I am 100% the girl in the pic…I have more too, that don’t look so professional, CUTTY can vouch for me being real.![]()
I half to be skeptical, after all this is the interweb. More pics would help your case though.
I guess she has a thing for midgets? :tounge:
are you callin’ CUTTY a midget? :eek3: :eek: He is awesome!
[I have more too, that don’t look so professional,
im gonna say your gonna have to post them to!
CUTTY can vouch for me being real.
reall or fake i like them all! oh wait different topic!
:boink welcome to pittspeed :idhitit: