Pics- post 'em here.
Me and My kitty Smoki and bunny Zues
Me and My grandma at family reunion
Me showing my Patriotic side on Sept. 11th (and one of my tattoos)
Cutty’s favorite pic of me

no nudes = no care



thanks :naughty:

nice pussy cats.

I don’t need the nude pics… :naughty: :hitit:

:rofl: :kekegay:

thanks guys…LOL
yeah, i like to play with pussy’s…take that as you will.
I know your gonna. LOL


:yum: :kiss: :eek2: :love:

Looking good!

a lot of people like playing with cats, what’s the big deal :dunno:

rabbits??? i always thought they were usless pets :dunno:

:gaysex: :love:

I have a question, Why isnt Cutty on a plane to Missouri?


you are correct on that one. snooze ya lose playa

i iwsh it was as easy as catching a plane :frowning:

I would move anywhere for my girl, why not go?
Thats as close to nude as your gonna get!

load up the g-body’s and drive a u-haul :eek2: :eek2: