A friendly reminder about car safety


I have been using 2 sets of ramps if I am not doing anything where the wheels need to come off. Jack + ramps = extra safety. I still don’t like being under the car, but what can you do?

One of these years I will build a garage with a lift. I envy all of you that have one.

RIP. hate hearing stories like this. rear a story a couple months back about an s2k owner tightening down a rear end bolt and it shifted off the jack stands as well and he passed away also. i also put wheels under the car when im working on it.

if your using jackstands, always block the cars front wheels. always use another form of support if incase the jackstands do fail. like wood boards or even throw the wheels under there. better to have a fucked up wheel than something fucking up on u, or even death.

RIP buddy


I would much rather have high blood pressure from being pissed off about something breaking or ruining a wheel then be crushed by a car!

god damn


sooooooo is the car for sale?

I used to have a fear of this happening as well and feel much safer now that pops built the garage and put the lift in. I always double check my mounting points and the lock on the lift just to make sure before I get under it. I have had the Maxima move a little bit while trying to take off the exhaust and even an inch of movement scared me the first time. Haven’t done anything on the M besides oil and HID’s, so luckily haven’t experienced a 4000lb vehicle moving lol.

Sad way to go for sure.

Not that I know of…

I like to use 4 scissor jacks on a somewhat inclined driveway, while someone is in the driver seat pretending to race the car.

^while texting too

And with a tinted windshield.

God damnit ilya :facepalm

horrible way to go. i have had a car fall on me and fortunately enough it was a stripped crx shell rearend. or i wouldnt be alive right now. i was 16 yearsold and in a hurry. dumb. be safe everyone.

Boy:I’d like to call you.Your number? Girl:It’s in the phone book. Boy:Is this seat empty? Girl:Yes,and this one will be if you sit down. Boy:Haven’t I seen you some place before? Girl:Yes.That’s why I don’t go there anymore. No money no way in real life,no gold no way in game!