A guy in Vancouver builds an R34 from an R32

this is linked from revscene:


read both pages, Full of pics.

that’s fucking nuts.

farmer still rules.

but kudos to the work put in

damn thats a crazy ass build. I wonder if anyone have seen him driving it.

I still want to see farmer’s build once its done

That’s amazing… Great build for sure, looks very close to an actual R34.

old (as in its been done, not this guys build)

and he’s a vendor on gtrc
that builds been in progress for a long time.

alot of work i guess if you have the passion to have an R34 that much its worth it but…it just seems like one of those things…kinda chezy like making a ferrari kit car from a feiero lol…

that’s alot of work… he’s quite the craftman…lol at the fiero ferrari comment… only difference it a fiero will NEVER perform like a ferrari BUT a 92 GTR can perform close to a R34…This shit makes me hate being poor…lol

Hes getting shit on a lot on that forum. I guess people aren’t taking into perspective that taking a good looking R32 and turning it into an awsome R34 take not only money, but time, skill and effort along with it.

+1 Looks baller.

check out his next conversion project on gtrc
involves a toyota mrs

+1 the qulity of work is amazing, but why the car looked wonderful stock

yup been done. The doors really stick out as he kept the oem R32.

like matty said. this is old news. the thread on gtrc dates back to late 2007. he was getting crap from a lot of people. even people from gtrc. be that is honestly the best looking r32.4 i’ve ever seen. if i remember correctly he’s also planning to put the r34 screen/computer on it. to even make it more of an r34.

god damn i love those nismo rims

The rims are knockoffs, they’re ROTAs. Other than that, that car is sick.
I don’t know what some of you are smoking, but the R32 is one of the ugliest fast cars ever made. The R34 is one of the sexiest. It’s like going from a 3 to a 9 on the hotness scale.

^^^ that’s purely an opinion based observation though.

while i do like the R34 better than the R32 (only marginally though), there’s are lots of people who are the other way around. i personally think the R33 was the ugliest recent GT-R. it’s just so boring looking compared to the 32 and 34. it just looks like a mildly beefed up zenki S14. i’ve seen modified R33’s that i like, but i’d take an R32 over an R33 any day of the week.

as for this conversion…while it’s something i would never personally put that much time and effort into (i could live with an R32 lol), i can definitely respect what he’s done. besides the doors and roofline (and over-all dimensions if you want to be really picky about it), it’s a pretty close replica.

speaking of Fier-arri’s…i saw one at an auction last weekend. it was hard to tell from the outside, but the guy didn’t even bother to change a single thing about the Pontiac interior, so once you leaned into the car…it was so obvious. (didn’t hear it running or else that would have given it away in a heart-beat)

car looks pretty good alot of time and effort forsure, thats some serious dedication,

i still like the r32 gtr the best, however the gts r32 2 door definatly isnt the nicest of cars

all in all good job tho, pretty sick

looks like he is done

Look awesome but the rear of the side skirt.

That looks so out of place IMO

fuck man… if I didn’t know it was a R32 I would SWEAR it was a R34… major fucking props on doing that… looks beautiful.

i’m overly jealous.