A Hedgehog ≠ Rodent.

Just sayin’.

A hedgehog is any of the small spiny mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae and the order Erinaceomorpha.

Rodentia is an order of mammals also known as rodents, characterised by two continuously-growing incisors in the upper and lower jaws which must be kept short by gnawing.[1][2]
Forty percent of mammal species are rodents, and they are found in vast numbers on all continents other than Antarctica. Common rodents include mice, rats, squirrels, chipmunks, gophers, porcupines, beavers, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs and degus.

Erinaceids are generally shrew-like in form, with long snouts and short tails. They are, however, much larger than shrews, ranging from 10-15 cm in body length and 40-60 grams in weight, in the case of the Short-tailed Gymnure, up to 26-45 cm and 1-1.4 kilograms in the Greater Moonrat. All but one species have five toes in each foot, in some cases with strong claws for digging, and they have large eyes and ears. Hedgehogs possess hair modified into sharp spines to form a protective covering over the upper body and flanks, while gymnures have only normal hair. All species have anal scent glands, but these are far better developed in gymnures, which can have a powerful odor.


do you own any, if so how many and got pics?

≠ <-- comes in handy

lol search his posts…there were like 4-5 replys that were just pics!

I think you should start a charitable organization for political correctness when talking about hedgehogs.

I have paypal ready.

cute little devils…



i used to own two of these little buggers

I had one, but I eated it.


I still can’t believe there is someone else on this site obsessed with hogs.

how much do these go for these days?

i believe the right question is can i have one lol

I was looking into getting one back when I was a kid and they were like $100 per.

I also <3 hedgehogs.

I cringe whenever I hear of a story from Scotland about them culling another rampant hedgehog population.

Hedgehogs and baby dino robots. <3

What in the hell are baby dino robots?

At work the other day a hedgehog that has lived outside for three years now that we named Rex got in. We tried to shoo it out gently and it stood up and hissed at us. My boss threw his now broken coffee mug at it, and it ran like hell. Cute to look at just dont get close. He seemed like a pissed off mother fucker. Maybe he just wanted to enjoy the air conditioning for a few more minutes, but I really couldn’t believe that he didn’t run but rather defended himself against 3 guy wielding coffee mugs.

He prolly just said Fuk yo coffee mugs son.

^^ i think i want one now
