i dont even know half of those names, i just noticed the screen name lamp yesterday, now hes banned? what did he do to get banned? AND he was all of the other names listed? holy split personality disorder! How do you guys keep up with all of this stuff
how did you miss?
and, lol, Howie:
lol you’re still missing some.
:lol: There was one that I rickrolled before he even posted with it. :tspry:
yea i saw that, nice work. lol
wetwork was definitely my favorite. It was really fantastic icing on the treadmill drama cake.
lol…so many names.
he’s just gonna continue to make new accounts
Yep. And we’re gonna continue to play whackamole with him. It’s kind of fun.
You should have seen the sleuthing work that a certain banstick gladiator did the last time that another troll got whacked. It was quite clever.
God, he sucks hard.
My personal favorite was his OT posts about being an A&F model. I made a thread about it on here, but it got merged. That ruled. The pictures were extremely humorous.
wow after doing a short background check on all this i appear to have missed alot lol, the wetworks thing was def the best, hats off newman and red for their swift detective work LOL
This kid is creative, not smart, but creative
Some of his names stick around for some time, Idk if they are unseen by the mods are they let them go for the amusement of the community as a whole.
and besides
Jdmallstars and Rust-e were around for quite a bit.
who had the longest lasting troll account? Dlucas?
UBRF FMF Justin and JnJ trolls > This
LOL dude has to have some serious issues to keep coming back. Doesn’t he have any friends? somebody mentioned that he works with other board members…those of you that do have to see him on a regular basis, does he take frequent breaks from work to just go cry?
where is that thread where he was “showing off” his new house and it was pics of 2 different houses?
OH them days were hilarious! I lived for reading those threads back in the day
I remember i was bored in my younger days with BlackGTP back on UBRF and decided i wanted to try and get banned for fun, i couldnt even get a warning, i guess i’m not badass enough lol
omg, there were like 20 alt jnjs. :lol:
oh fuck that one was FUNNY.
The worst was when zong posted a picture of like 6 different kids though.
edit: farily certain that was on UBRF tho
jnj jackstands!