A history of suck... (awesome update post 99, then 134)

Good fucking god.

You sir are the man.

He must be part of “team mitsubishi”





dude’s on a lot of teams.

:wtf::rofl: you seriously have to be fucking shitting me!

Team Glutton For…


It’s really sad when even the baby looks poor


so, cuban spawned a kid? great…

so is the baby legacy pre-banned?

This thread RULES!!! The one bubble tea meet he came up to me and started talking to me… I told him to fuck off lol. He has some scummy fucking friends too lol.

if she has that many kids i am getting a glock and regulating the population of suck

I’ll help.

Ok, now that was funny right there.

Bottom left = :cubanpicard:
Someone should get that ready for his next appearance

What kind of imagry is that. I do not have friends so I have to pshop multiples of myself?

And apparently he didn’t have enough shirts to do it proper-like

the best was when i bought his 360 when he was RUST-E.

He was with 01AudiS4 and a few others. None of them had a clue who he was until i blurted it out. Like a shockwave “YOUR CUBAN CRISIS?!?”

ugh of course the xbox got the red rings a month later. o well. got it fixed…sold it