A history of suck... (awesome update post 99, then 134)

classic joe post right there


Just wow.

Being poor must be shitty.

remember when he tried to sell cell phone wall papers?

You guys are mean, I love it.

I feel bad for laughing at this, but wow lol…

At least he can share that pizza with…

: cuban : ----> http://gleeson.homeip.net/cuban.jpg




wow he had a lot of fucking time on his hands

I’m going to have another cup of coffee and see if it still seems like a good idea to add that as :fail:


What in the good goddamn

yea… i was thinking about adding it. but I didn’t think :cuban: was a good fit.

+1 for :fail:


him hanging out with all his friends…

and by all his friends i mean that literally…outside of this picture, he has no other friends…


I just had to try out : fail :

thread of the month

:fail: :lol:

LOL reading thru all of this i have never met anybody that had this much time on their hands. Does this kid have a job? A social life? I’m lucky if i have an hour to myself at night to sit down and relax let alone spend hours taking ‘myspace’ pix and photoshopping myself, changing outfits and posing for my tripod. wtf. On top of that to come up with new nyspeed names and whore it up on here, I miss out on half the threads to begin with. but hey, to each their own :fail:

:fail: that is fantastic