Remember Cuban "I cant pay my bills" crisis?

What ever happend to him?

White00s10: cuban!
RustEclipse: ?
RustEclipse: im not cuban… im american thanks
RustEclipse: cubans are shitty drivers…
White00s10: as in cuban crisis
White00s10: as in rust e
White00s10: long time no see
RustEclipse: who the hell is this?
White00s10: im on NYspeed and UBRF
White00s10: we were at the meets
RustEclipse: oh… lol you
RustEclipse: your the one who sold me out to chino… gotcha…
White00s10: pretty much
RustEclipse: i knew i shouldn’t have told my username…
White00s10: and heres the awesome part, i did it to get my signature privaleges back
RustEclipse: ?
RustEclipse: why?
RustEclipse: was it worth it?
RustEclipse: not that i really care about nyspeed that much
RustEclipse: but
RustEclipse: why did you get your sig thing taken away?
White00s10: absolutly, i have this awesome signature with the monorail cat in it, MSpaint special
RustEclipse: i see
RustEclipse: … so then if you and the rest of the people… hate me so to speak… then why talk to me?
White00s10: dunno
RustEclipse: i see
RustEclipse: very interesting
RustEclipse: i find it interesting that people don’t like me based on someone elses word of something when i infact did nothing wrong to the person who took the word of others…
White00s10: umm
RustEclipse: yeah got ahead… tell me what i already know…
RustEclipse: go*
White00s10: if you did nothing wrong, than why go on chinos account? pose as him telling people to ban yourself? thats some shady shit right thur, when you did that, you lost what little credibility you had
White00s10: you have noone to blame but yourself for your own problems
RustEclipse: what?
RustEclipse: i never went on chinos anything… you got the wrong person there
RustEclipse: …
RustEclipse: i saw those posts…
White00s10: and than pm the mods claiming it was all an innocent mistake?
RustEclipse: how would i have access to his passwords n shit?
RustEclipse: well say what you wish… but it was not me…
RustEclipse: i was ip banned
RustEclipse: so even if i wanted to… i had no access too
White00s10: ahh
White00s10: musta been superman than
White00s10: sorry
RustEclipse: right… musta been… or mussta been another nyspeeder… who had access or knows chino… or knows his passwords or something…
White00s10: or musta been lex luthor!
RustEclipse: meh
White00s10: that son of a bitch
RustEclipse: right
White00s10: but i have to go to bed now, ive got a long day of fighting crime ahead of me, perhaps youll join me to fight the forces of lex luthor?
maybe after your done with the secret service, you can join me on the justice leauge.
RustEclipse: …

As rascist as ever.

i hope you put that info to good use chino :tup:



Here we go again…

:bloated: drama queens

The best was when Rust-E claimed he didn’t know who Cuban Crisis was. I do have to give the Abercrombie 3rd stunt double credit when you asked if he was Cuban and he goes, “no, I’m American…” That actually made me laugh…

He got obsessed with a friend of mine. I have so many funny stories that I want to tell about him… GOD, I wish I didn’t promise her I wouldnt say anything :frowning:

But, just know that they’re all hilarious :slight_smile:

jeff then tell them without using names - that would effing rule

man i love the kickass stories that we’ve had on here lately, esp the one when jam’s hand got friggin stapled :tup:


Ahhh… the winter months. :slight_smile:

RustEclipse: i find it interesting that people don’t like me based on someone elses word of something when i infact did nothing wrong to the person who took the word of others…

Rofl that sounds like something Jack Sparrow would say…

thisis great he wont respond to me.

This kid is pretty sad, jesus christ. He STILL hasn’t payed Jim. That’s just ridiculous.

And the sad part is that he doesn’t feel that he did anything wrong.


You know that stupid saying that when you lie to yourself enough, you start believing your own bullshit?


haha no fucking shit - how exactly did I do anything wrong to him, How dare i actually ask for the money he owes me ! :ohnoes:

hahahah yeah

apparantly when you loan money to people (like $4k) you somehow become the bad guy…
