"People of Cruise Night"

In this thread, you will post photos of people spotted at S&R cruise nights.

This is pretty much the same as what you would have with “people of walmart”

Really cant wait to see how this turns out!

Please Keep in mind, some of the people there may not like a camera pointed at them, and my cause a fight. haha

such a good idea :tup:


no thanks, i wont be getting pulled over in a “honda” road block again this year…i’ll pass on that one

Go complain somewhere else.

Hell Yeah. Im so ready to holler at pregnant 16yr olds.

This is such a good idea, haha!

Yambag I’m glad you’re back lol.

Don’t drive a gay honda and you won’t have an issue?

shhh, your girl makes me hold on to them when she’s not with you…takes up the whole damn thing with that big black one, you know what i mean

wow… this wasnt expected. haha. Trying to do the best this yambag can.

In for pictures. And stories of getting beat down by ugly people for taking pictures of their ugly girlfriend.

just take pavement home :gotme: no cop road blocks on there. They just set up on genesee to get all the ricans on their way back to Buffalo.

you realize they set up on both sides of the track on Gunville RD Only road in and out. And wasnt aware the S2k was a shitty car?


this thread has lots of potential

in for awesome photos of shitty people at thunderdome!!

Soooo can we lock this thread till the cruise happens? just sounds like a wasted time right now and even though off topic thread… just really this has nothing to do with what was actually the cause of this thread.

back to my comment about this thread getting completely killed before it even started…

Can we lock this… any admin or mod… lol just dont care for all this to go 5 pages, then finally the first picture is posted.

Thread cleaned and drama moved to ‘drama.’


Thank you!!