who are you kidding…
you like your ladies to look like they are straight outta auschwitz
anyways… :tup: to this topic
who are you kidding…
you like your ladies to look like they are straight outta auschwitz
anyways… :tup: to this topic
Lmfao^ this is a great ideal, someone is going to snap a pic of a fellow member on here and put it up as a joke, i have a feeling this is going to happen lol
LOL last year me and i think Choda were bsing and the two girls i was with were standing around and some random fat dude walked by stopped and took a pic of their asses while me and choda were both watching i was impressed haha… actually no not choda muscle50 makes the story even better because he ran after him with his phone and started taking pics of him LOL
It is like shooting fish in a barrel at the Shred and Regan cruise night. I did a quick lap with the GF last year and she commented how the girls were BUSTED making the few alright ones look like models.
I think your still being to generous. lol
lmao that is fawking awesome i can see jeff doing that and jim making a video of it :bigtup:
And now you opened the door for more success.
I’m not making fun of this I actually really like it. Got a soft spot for Chevy Vans (don’t judge me!). Just figured it would be to everyone’s benefit to finally get a picture up! I took it at cruise night last year.
always liked the look of 4wd Chevy Vans…not sure why lol
that guy lives on harlem by my house see this all the time its ok
Not to be that guy… nice van and all. but the thread is ment to be a funny one, one that you post people that truly look like d-bags, trash, weird, horrible cars that they let on the track…etc.
I hear you man, I just figured it would be good to post a pic seeing as how I had one on hand and there were 10,000 posts so far and none of them involved a picture of anything.
Soon… very soon. haha
Not gonna lie, I can’t wait.
dont know how long I’ll be partaking into this though being that I get bored with it really fast! haha
I guarantee this turns into “danny and the boyz from the hood” from about 2 years ago where people show up with guns to meets because faggots take pictures of people in real life and post them on the internet while talking shit about them.
But goodluck
I was there last year when a bunch of stuff went down. It was toward the end of the night and I was sitting in the bleachers while there were three different areas of the track with cops at them. I think there were cops in the road hassling people, cops and EMS in the circle with a stretcher, and cops by the burnout pit because some guy in the pit was apparently doing a burnout and was shooting rocks somebody’s kid - causing a fight. I think there was a fight on a different night that made it into the Buffalo News. Oh Thunderdome.
All great things to get photos of. lol where was the camera? haha