"People of Cruise Night"

I know! I should have taken some pictures. Guess I was focused on getting out of there alive! lol

Haha… yeah, I tend to forget some of the really trashy, I’m untouchable and unstoppable, touch me I’ll kill you… type of people show up.

Lets see samples from years past…
It is always best to lead by example.

I need to see if I have any… Computer crashed between then and now, and I’ve lost a shit load of photos. not happy

yea those vans look cool. I would drive it for a little while…but never could own one.
“Want some candy?”

This thread shouldn’t have been started until there was material to fill it with. Almost 50 posts, and zero degenerates. FAIL

You sure about that?

well…no pics of degenerates.

A yambag self-portrait would turn this all around.

Hope you are happy. lol

Pro Tip:

A long telephoto lens is key piece of safety equipment when capturing the elusive muffin top in the middle of the mullet and meat head mating ritual that is cruise night.

Never place yourself between a muffin top and a mullet. You’re better off kicking a baby grizzly in the face in front of it’s mom.

Thank you for a good laugh. I got my 70-300mm ready!

lol yeah, I have a 70-300 VR. That’d do the trick for sure.

Haha there’s an old ass van on South Park near Ridge that’s roached to all hell and someone spray painted “Free Candy” on the side. First time I saw it I couldn’t control myself.

Bump so that people don’t forget about this…

if you are going to put “free candy” on the side of a van, man up and do it right, in a state park, next to the playground


Haha thanks for that I lol’d.

Don’t tell me that was you or someone you know.

yes we did this at watkins glen state park last year i think it was? maybe the year before i dont remember

that is oasis24-7 in the van actually

Such a funny idea. Any strange looks from concerned parents? lol

hahahaha YES!!! this was so funny. I should have a pic of this somewhere as well.

Dont know if I’ll be showing up today. Its up in the air. Either go to cruise nights and do photos. or take photos at area 51 motocross tonight. the motocross sounds better if they let me get free range again.

Great pics. Hilarious. A+ thread.