let me tell you about my good friend spaghetti legs bob… you may know him as bobby311
well last night we headed to Touch to have a fun night out, just some guys hanging by the bar drinking drinks… shooting the shit.
well bob took it upon himself to buy the bar… actually he might have bought two or three since his credit card is still down there. so we are drinking and its about 1am, i get a shove from the side of me… bob can barely open his eyes and he is pounding them away like a champion.
about a half hour later, i get this sudden load of weight put on me… its bob falling on me. so its time to go all the sudden, close tab and leave bob alone for a second. well bob fell onto some random people, and got them all thrown out someway somehow… so i get back, bob falls on me i almost get taken out and then the bouncer grips me out and kindly tells me to “get the fuck out”
we leave, bob falls into every wall on the way out, falls into the doorman, and then almost hits the cement on the way out. Bob wants to go to Eat N Park. So Jonas is like sure, we get bob into eat n park and it was non stop vulgarity, beating on the windows, and mass consumption of food. we eventually had to leave this establishment too.
oh boy… so the best part about this whole night is… we haven’t told bob where his credit card is, and he will not remember much of it at all! hehe