A little Monday afternoon grammar lesson..

This bothers me to no end, so here is your internet grammar lesson for the day.

Main Entry:1there [](javascript:popWin(‘/cgi-bin/audio.pl?there001.wav=there’))Pronunciation: ˈther Function:adverb Etymology:Middle English, from Old English thǣr; akin to Old High German dār there, Old English thæt thatDate:before 12th century
1 : in or at that place <stand over there> —often used interjectionally

2 : to or into that place : thither <went there after church>

3 : at that point or stage <stop right there before you say something you’ll regret>

4 : in that matter, respect, or relation <there is where I disagree with you> 5 —used interjectionally to express satisfaction, approval, encouragement or sympathy, or defiance <there, it’s finished>

Main Entry:their [](javascript:popWin(‘/cgi-bin/audio.pl?their001.wav=their’))Pronunciation: thər, ˈther Function:adjective Etymology:Middle English, from their, pron., from Old Norse theirra, genitive plural demonstrative & personal pron.; akin to Old English thæt thatDate:13th century

1 : of or relating to them or themselves especially as possessors, agents, or objects of an action <their furniture> <their verses> <their being seen>

2 : his or her : his , her , its —used with an indefinite third person singular antecedent <anyone in their senses — W. H. Auden>

your and you’re :slight_smile:

easy thEIr killer.

pittspeed is a much more angry place when you remember what your password is.

what’s happening over they’re?

you’re thred sucks

Their They’re berad, i’tll be allright doncha no?

Grammer,whats that?

theirs the king of grammar himself!

Grandma? She died 10 years ago!

Nothing bothers me more then knowing I could of learned this.

