A little some thing to celebrate

im talkin to her now…and sean the cooler is clean,may need to be wiped down from the ride over in the back of the truck

So Adam is making the Quake juice right?
McFluffy, you’re in charge of the women? thats scary…

shut it sully…im talking to like 5 girls right now tryin to get them to come,since idk where my g/f is sooooo w.e

Its been brewin out back for about 5hrs :lol. Shit is gonna KILL people.

I do hafta charge a little bit tho if people wanna drink some, shit cost me about $80 out of my pocket to make…

sounds dangerous

The can its in says dangerous and flammable :rofl

all ready told u my donation:thumbup
did u want me to come by to throw it in the cooler/jug thingy…be a little easier to trasport


Got the jugs handled homie! And thanks:thumbup

so i cleaned the damn thing for nothing?!?!?!?!!?!?

I think Lance was going to put his special drank in your cooler

ooooooo i thought he said he wasnt making it now,either way itll be in the truck if needed…holds 20 gallons btw

O rly? Rubin never leaves the house…

I’ll be by tonight… for a little while Britt cancelled. she crashed her car and is a little banged up… :frowning:

I see what you did there.

goin to get food at 5 guys then heading over…

lmao, nice work Matt

:lol:lol:lol AWESOME lol no for real… she said next time for SURE!!!

I’ll throw you a few bucks. Gotta try it!

And yes, you cleaned the cooler for nothing. Maybe we’ll make something in it for tomorrow.