A little spirited drive...

I decided to go for a little drive today since there wasn’t anything else better to do. I took Rt 2 all the way up to Vt. and snapped some pics along the way. There’s nothing like a little spirited drive on the S curves in the S. Shots were taken with a Canon 50D w/ Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM. Edited with Aperture 2.






The S is so sexy:eek2

Awesome shots Eldrid!
The first one is realllll nice. I’m looking to take a cruise this weekend to take some fall/foliage shots with my car. Probably going to go up Rt.2 as well.

Wow, Hondas really can look hot esp in pics 3,5,6

i like 4 alot … nice pics man

Thanks guys. The sun was not cooperating, plus it seems i’ve always had a hard time trying to get the color of the clouds to really “pop” in my pics unless it’s really clear weather.

You should be able to get some nice pics Joey. PM me when and what time time you’re going this weekend.

Dude I have a road for you that’s on the way out of Troy, on the way to 2.

We used to have a little club that ran this huge 23x mile route of awesomeness through vermont/mass.

Eldrid, car looks great as ever man!!

Love those wheels

Pics came out awesome. Let me know when you are going again

Nicely done, Eldrid :slight_smile:

awesome looking s2k :thumbup

Looking good - +1 cleann

Great lookin pics el… i like the new lense.

I frequent that spot in the first pic during the winter to Hike and ski the old ski area right there.

Great shots! The hardtop on a black S2000 is tits btw.


I hate you for owning that lens. :frowning:

Great shots! I dont think I have ever driven on Route 2 down there, I’ll have to check it out.

Thanks, though not too bad paired with the crop sensor, I really do wish I had a full frame like yours to use it’s potential. Definitely drive down Rt. 2, it has some nice stretches of winding roads. I was wondering if it would have led to that place where you took your shots if I kept driving, but the clouds and drizzle killed the mood. :Idiots

Is this Route 2 in NY or VT? I need a google map link lol. I know there is a Route 2 around Burlington I’ve been on, but not down south.

I routinely take my S east out of Troy for joyrides. Rt. 2 and 7 toward Vermont/Northern Mass are both fun. Another nice one is Rt. 40 north through Speigletown and Schaghticoke, especially in autumn.