A little teaser from our track day at AIS, 56k should jump off a bridge

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH at the “kiss me thru the phone” rip

+rep HAHAHAH dyin’ here

Its cool that i get invited to theses things.

Especially since I am always telling everyone I will risk my safety to get some cool shots and footage.

we would have but it was one of those drift thingys everyone hates on, so only drifter fanbois got an invite! we will hold a NON DRIFT bbq later in the year and you will get an invite for sure.

plus i don’t have your number to contact you so i guess that’s my only reason…sorry.

yea srs, your sexy ass is always invited

uber gay shit!

you’re uber gay you gaytard


so are you going with us on the runs tonight sammy?

Yeah anyone who needs my number its 813.0247. Txt me I had calling disabled on my phone cause i hate talking on it lol.

Like I said I’ll do the whole ride a skate board in the track next to a drifting car to get some cool footage. AS well as sit in the trunk of a lead car yadda yadda yadda. we can even use my car as a chase/lead camera car

Wtf Ron is the ultimate drift fanboi

fanboi for life!

come out later with us srs. once it gets dark we are going to hit up some nice roads for a little fun.

I have a date. so it depends on how much later later is


hard parking is not a sport. you could have taken her with you.

Idk if his car would have fared to well… :rofl

That was a pretty tight road.

ps we really need to do more runs on that road…id like to hit it up in the daytime to get a better feel for it.

yeah I deserve some good ribbing after bitching at last night only to drink my face off and actually organize an ass comparison contest in the bar last night.

You guys can rip on me all you want

well i’m getting married in october so I can rib all day long, I’m no longer in the market for female attention