A little teaser from our track day at AIS, 56k should jump off a bridge

ahhhh more 240s! make mine look like ish

My cars is your sig.
Well not really… thats b4 i got coilovers and the front plate. that had to be last may when you me mack, that black z and i think scott took pics behind JVG. idk. too many photoshoots… i cant remember

Cant wait to sink money into the car this year instead of the house. Damn roof(s) last year :frowning:

Id do this, but i put my number out on zilvia and got calls from tampax about the trial offer…

hey, how come I dont see your car at the lot?

yeah the pic is from that night.
i’m off at the university of new hampshire. i’ll probably be back around in late may or june. can’t wait to be done with this college crap and spend more/any time working on my car. there r actually some nice lookin 240s up here. had to join up w/ 240sxONE since i’ve been gone

aw, damnit! did you take the car with you too?

haha yeah, i didn’t walk. sucks tho cuz i hit a scrap of metal that was in the middle of the road the other day; thought it was a stick at first. it flung up and hit my side skirt and busted the fiberglass a good amount. good thing i fecking hate how those things flair out. not sure what skirts to get to replace them tho.

aw man, so the car’s not even around here. CRAP! When are you comin back?

few weeks. i’ll def try to make it to the lot. would rather get together with some 240s and do some work. i’m useless workin on my own car and i’ve got a lot to do, pads, rear spacers r easy enough, but i also got some body work to do n stuff

sry for the hijacked thread

i went out with the guys and still went to the bars afterwards…so i say you are still fair game!

who’d you go to the bars with?

Rosie palms and her five sisters.

At least shes always there for you and dosnt talk back. And provides entertainment late in the night without drama in the morning :slight_smile:

cait and john

only had a few beers as i had to be to work in 4 hours.

who wants to hit up west mnt road sat night?

Ron, my roommate, and myself.

Can I plz ride shotgun with one of you?

*Me, My Room-mate, and Ron.

Incorrect, diaf.