WNY Solo Champagne Run, 9/17, ECC-N

Here are the 620 pictures that i took of the last AutoX event of the season.

I tried to take as many pics as possible, and as many different cars as i could. I got there around 1pm and started shooting right away.
If you need full resolution images for wallpapers or w/e pm the filename (ex: IMG_5642.jpg)

Heres a sneak peak…
http://www.sonikempire.com/gallery/albums/events/AutoX9-17-06/thumb_IMG_5474.jpg http://www.sonikempire.com/gallery/albums/events/AutoX9-17-06/thumb_IMG_5390.jpg

http://www.sonikempire.com/gallery/albums/events/AutoX9-17-06/thumb_IMG_5253.jpg http://www.sonikempire.com/gallery/albums/events/AutoX9-17-06/thumb_IMG_5048.jpg


Videos of the runs are coming soon…

P.S. If you want to give a link to your friends, give them this short url because the event is on the frontpage…