WNY Solo Champagne Run, 9/17, ECC-N

Yeah, he was using 2 of his tires from Xerox, and 2 that he had lying around, but they were corded so he wanted those in the back, so he had his tires staggered the wrong way. That’s why he gave up and hopped into Todd’s car.

Oh and Bret, i guess we both suck (well me more than you yesterday) because after still not catching your time, i got annoyed and hopped into Vogel’s SE-R and did 3 runs, all being pretty obnoxious, and ended up being a tenth off of Bucknam’s time, so feeling better about myself for doing that on Victoracers I hopped back into the MR2 and did a 46.8 (yes i did have 2 cones, but they were both rear tire nicks) and that was on hot tires since Jon had just done a run. So I figure we should have been in the low 46’s.

But congrats on beating me in 2 less runs anyways. :banghead: cause I got:whip:

That’s interesting, I still wonder what the car would do with a set of 245/40R17 Hoosiers. It is 200lbs lighter than the RSX, but down on power.

Oh well, not for me to find out, though, as of a few hours ago, the red Spec V is giggidy-giggidy-gone. :wave:

As for your time in the MR2, I had no doubt that I left a significant amount of time out there, there were a few places on that course where I did not want to keep my foot planted due to running right at light poles.

It’s been a fun season though, and I think our battle as well as Mark vs. Dale was closer than most people expected. I’m hoping I can convince some people to step it up in ES next year.

Yeah, but doesn’t have a lot more torque? It’s gotta be ruff on the Hoosiers though. Like I said, I was being pretty obnoxious with the car just keeping my foot in it, and the tires grew 6 PSI in the front after my 1st run. Good thing the Victos like heat.

I don’t know, for whatever reason I’ve always had a soft spot for them, but for some reason a Type R just seemed like a more practicle winter car. It is a hatchback after all :slight_smile: .

Patiently awaiting vids and pics… I need a new sig image.

was fun to get the M out on a few runs :tup:

hopefully money situation will allow it to be a regular sight next year :slight_smile:

vids havent yet been cut, sorry for the delay

Not acceptable :wink:

woops, just erased the last 5 minutes of video

sorry :slight_smile:

Just an FYI, the wny-scca.com website will be down for a while (maybe a day or 2 even). Results are still available at results.wny-scca.com

I have a few pictures. Some more panoramas, and shots from the award ceremony.

















                                                         [![http://static.flickr.com/98/247815244_1a25758508_m.jpg](http://static.flickr.com/98/247815244_1a25758508_m.jpg)](http://www.flickr.com/photos/marnie/247815244/)     [](http://www.flickr.com/photos/marnie/247815301/)

Wow, just wow. Possibly the worst pic of me ever. And I can’t even claim I was drunk, lol. Ah well… at least I got beer AND champagne AND a shot glass in the end.

Here are the 620 pictures that i took of the last AutoX event of the season.

I tried to take as many pics as possible, and as many different cars as i could. I got there around 1pm and started shooting right away.
If you need full resolution images for wallpapers or w/e pm the filename (ex: IMG_5642.jpg)

Heres a sneak peak…
http://www.sonikempire.com/gallery/albums/events/AutoX9-17-06/thumb_IMG_5474.jpg http://www.sonikempire.com/gallery/albums/events/AutoX9-17-06/thumb_IMG_5390.jpg

http://www.sonikempire.com/gallery/albums/events/AutoX9-17-06/thumb_IMG_5253.jpg http://www.sonikempire.com/gallery/albums/events/AutoX9-17-06/thumb_IMG_5048.jpg


Videos of the runs are coming soon…

P.S. If you want to give a link to your friends, give them this short url because the event is on the frontpage…

no pics of me getting beat up and thrown from behind the van ???

weaksauce …

Did i miss something??

lol … yes …

talked smack to the guy on the left in this pic below … got taken behind the van … got thrown 10 feet across the parking lot

pic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marnie/247814357/

Oh shit, you got a picture of my “race face”… :ohnoes: At least I don’t have the total retard look like Peter Solberg does, but I do have the tongue going…


:lol: looks like you’re saying “OH SHIT” and bracing for impact.

I’m surprised you haven’t been caught more often.

I was spectating during fun runs, but spent most of my time at the other end of the lot.

thanks ivan for some really nice pics! seems like you got everybody, even the cart lol

I don’t see my riced out POS… I’m going to cry :violin:

Now get the damn videos up :slight_smile: