WNY Solo Champagne Run, 9/17, ECC-N

yea hes normally fairly laid back until u piss him off

LOL! What did you do to piss of kurt? He is a good dude.

Not that your a dick…Well i only met you once, but you could be a dick.

Curt had a really bad hangover so that may have been part of the problem.

I’m fairly certain everything was in jest…

… wasn’t it?

they called the awards ceremony and asked everyone to come to the timing truck. i yelled out to bring the timing truck to us, cause we were all in the shade where it was cool

“but the awards table is over here”

“but were in the SHADE” points at the ground "see … shade … "

we went back and forth a lil till he was like “whos saying this i wanna see your face so i remember you” so i hopped up, waved my arms, pointed at myself, and asked what he wanted to do about it

he suggested i come behind the truck and we settle it, so i got up and announced “ill be right back guys, gotta settle this”

oh hell yea, when i got behind the truck, he had a huge smile on his face, and we quickly agreed to have a bit of fun. we walked to the back end of the truck, he lightly grabbed my shirt (just enough to balance me) and he “threw me” well i got a bit of a running start

all done for visual effect :slight_smile:

Yeah, a safety steward would never throw a competitor, because then that steward would just be stuck filling out the paperwork.


videos coming soon … they look great in widescreen hi-def :slight_smile:


I’m going to be really disappointed if you didn’t get any of my car.

i think i did … cant be sure tho

next time im there all the nyspeeders gotta write their screennames on the windsheild or some shit, so i can be sure to tape everyone …

or just stick a NYSpeed sticker on your car/number board.

yea i have them

where do I get stickers from?

I’m under the impression that Maxima has some, if not then PM F-dot. (adictd2boost).

I was rocking my NYSPEED stickers :gotme:

btw you should have introduced yourself. I was the one in the timing truck, you asked me if you could climb on top of it.

nyspeed stickers are realy hard to spot when your standing on the thin steel roof of a truck thats rocking from people getting in and out, while you steady yourself in the wind so you can peer thru the view finder at a car thats 50 feet away, lol

ill just make myself a “Hi, Im HotRodKid” name tag and you guys can do the rest :stuck_out_tongue:

i think the only new person i REALY met that day was casandra

Yeah… I’m not putting a sticker on my car, and one wont fit on my numbers/class.

Just look for a younger female driver at the event. You’ve got a (typically) one in three chance of being right.

oh like u need a sticker for me to know who you are … lol … i knew who you were b4 i ever met you

i just ment it would be very helpfull for the people i didnt know

and besides, the nyspeed loga would have to be pink on your car … and its federal law that no car forum logo’s can be pink … its un-manly

EDIT: and oh yea, you dont realy autocross, so its not like ill ever see you there :rofl:

Ahh i see, sorry. Im Ivan…

So, where are these damn videos?